Manuals Smart Adapter - different languages

Here you can find the manual of the Royal Christmas Smart Adapter app in different languages:

To download / open our Royal Christmas Smart Adapter Manual, you need the free program Adobe Reader. If you haven’t got this program installed, you can download it by clicking on the button below.

Article – Liability Smart Adapter + Royal Christmas App

Royal Christmas supplies the smart adapter as a service to enable your product with LED lighting
operate with the developed Royal Christmas app.

Royal Christmas is not liable for incorrect application or operation of the smart adapter with damage
as a result of the products supplied, caused by the consumer. Royal Christmas is not liable
for the damage that this incorrect application of the smart adapter causes to the delivered product or
products. The consumer is responsible for the correct application of the product, as well as
checking the condition of the smart adapter before, and during use.

The smart adapter can also be used as a regular adapter to provide the product with
power to provide it with lighting.

Royal Christmas is not liable for:


  • Unable to download the Royal Christmas app. This may have to do with incompatibility
    of the device or an outdated device.


  • Updates, or incorrect functioning of updates, of the Royal Christmas app.


  • Findability of the Royal Christmas app in the Google Play Store (Android) or App store (Apple).


  • Non-functioning of Bluetooth on the device, or in the Royal Christmas app, of the end user.


  • Availability of the Royal Christmas app in the Google Play Store (Android) or App Store (Apple)
    due to the developer’s stopping.
Keurmerken Royal Christmas